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吸干应彻底,可用水泵或真空泵抽吸,也可甩去液体后在清洁毛巾或吸水纸上拍干e重复操作c和d,洗涤34次按说明规定在间接法中如本底较高,可增加洗涤次数或延长浸泡时间 微量滴定板多采用浸泡式洗涤法洗涤液多为含非离子型。

4 vacuum lead 5 In certain time, vacuum, no drop to value 6 abnormal atmospheric open 7 In certain time to set up no vacuum 8 please confirm vacuum value 9 please confirm the vacuum valve condition le。

if the concentration of combustible gases inside the instructions more than 30% LEL default value of the main report to the police, the system automatically stops the control operation, quotcabinet superscalar quotlight。


  • 真空泵vacuum2024-01-29 02:34:08
  • 发表评论
